Published inGrepMyMindArgo CD’s ApplicationSet: Dynamic Deployments Across The FleetA detailed walk-through for dynamically deploying your applications to Kubernetes clusters using Argo CD’s Applications and ApplicationSetsMar 11, 2024Mar 11, 2024
Published inGrepMyMindKubernetes clusters for everyone using vclusterI recently started playing around with a powerful Kubernetes tool called vcluster from Loft Labs. vcluster provides an easy way of creating…Dec 20, 20211Dec 20, 20211
Published inGrepMyMindPagerDuty OncallStatus for MacOSI’m now happy to introduce the new open source application OncallStatus for PagerDuty on MacOS!Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
Published inGrepMyMindIt’s all about the data; a journey into Kubernetes CSI on AWSOver the last several weeks I’ve taken a trip into the world of Kubernetes storage; both the Container Storage Interface (CSI) and…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
Published inGrepMyMindIntroducing the k8s-aws-ebs-taggerThe k8s-aws-ebs-tagger brings tagging to the AWS EBS volumes created by Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims (PVC). This new utility enables…Jan 12, 20212Jan 12, 20212
Published inGrepMyMind5 ways to handle AWS API rate-limitingWhen dealing with AWS API rate-limiting there are a few tips & tricks that I find helpful. If your environment is like mine and you have a…Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Published inGrepMyMindKubernetes Cluster Autoscaler — In for a penny, in to infinityI had an interesting conversation with a coworker the other week where we were talking about instance types & planning for unknown…Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
Published inGrepMyMindLive migrating a Kubernetes cluster across VPCs without downtimeRecently I ran into a situation where we had an IP conflict with another team’s Kubernetes cluster where they had a pod network CIDR block…Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
Published inGrepMyMindMental health & techFor a variety of reasons people in the US don’t like talking about mental health. From the simple “I’m stressed out today” to the comOct 10, 20201Oct 10, 20201
Published inGrepMyMindInitial thoughts on KubecostRecently I had the opportunity to install Kubecost on several of the AWS clusters I manage. The tldr is that it was a very helpful and…Oct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020
Published inGrepMyMindKubernetes & VaultTwo of my favorite pieces of technology have a marriage made in heaven with the vault-secrets-operator from @rico_berger. It allows, in a…Sep 28, 20202Sep 28, 20202
Published inGrepMyMindKuberhealthy & the writing the AMI Exists checkWhat it was like to learn Go while writing a new Kuberhealthy checkSep 19, 2020Sep 19, 2020
Published inGrepMyMindWelcome to Grep My MindHey all, I’m torching the old and replacing it with this blog on Medium. I’m not sure if I’ll keep this one any more…Sep 19, 2020Sep 19, 2020